More often than not and for most months of the year, covering this Adelaide music scene is like shooting fish in a barrel, or to be more accurate like shooting an entire ocean full of fish all flip-flopping and gasping for air crammed into a space the size of a pinhead. Simply pick a random spot in the CBD on any given Friday or Saturday night, raise your trigger finger in the air, shoot and chances are you'll hit one square in the squid bits. Live bands here truly are dime a dozen. There's so many to choose from, so few places left for them to hide. Sure I may be speaking from an entirely warped perspective here (shit, when am I not?) but give yourself 1 or 2 degrees of seperation, and there's a good chance that everyone you know in this city is either a fucking musician, a former musician, fucking a musician or fucking over a musician. Fuck! So, with this in mind, I gotta ask you.. WHERE THE FUCK HAVE THEY ALL GONE!!?? Shooting fish in a barrel? Sheeiit! Tonight I'd be lucky to be scraping the bottom of the barrel here!
Yup, this is Producers Bar on Grenfell St, witness to a gig promoter's worst nightmare: the last minute replacement gig. A gig where every single live band (bar one "fortunate" touring act from Melbourne) had to be called in at the last minute to replace yet another band that's pulled out under all too mysterious circumstances. With no promotion, no publicity and next to no illumination in this grand symphony of lights.. shit.. what could possibly go wrong? :)
So it's just as well I got these beers to light my way, otherwise I'd NEVER get out've here alive (and when all else fails it'll more than come in handy to erase all memory of me being here too!)
THE BLACK AND WHITESo here's the first band, The Black And White. Musically they sit somewhere between the dick and fart gags of Blink 182 and the whiny emo sounds of Angels And Airwaves. Fuck full of teen-shrieking angst and freneticism they spend the entire set flying off walls, speaker stacks and drumkits despite coming to a growing realisation that they've just driven for upto 10 hours all the way from Melbourne to play to a roaring crowd of absolutely no-one.. yipeee!
QUIET CHILDThey're followed up by Quiet Child, channelling all the best of Maynard James Keenan as performed by Silent Bob singing the blues. Of particular note tonight is a new song they've cooked up by the name of "Captain Trims" that sounds so brilliantly like a deja-vu mashup of mid 70's Pink Floyd and the melodic extremes of "White Pony" era Deftones that I'm driving myself near insane trying to place whether it's a cover song or not. They're the one band I've come here to see tonight and they never disappoint. Well worth the price of admission!
CHASING PHOENIXand finally we have the shrieking emo sounds of Chasing Phoenix. As much as I would love to make fun of this band to the most ludicrious of bleeding extremes (the lead singer's wearing a "I Killed The Prom Queen" t-shirt ferfucksake!) arrr fuckit, I really couldn't be arsed tonight..
so this is me at Enigma Bar after the gig, attempting to drink myself to a memory lapse..
before being chased out've Enigma Bar by this deranged paparazzi (hi Gee!)..
whereupon after finding myself at Tequilarea (and spurned on by a dozen or so beers before me) I make the tactical blunder of ordering a shot of tequila, chased by a magarita..
soon washed down by a "hit of the horse flu" in the form of this fine mexican brew..
before staggering blindly into Jive for end-of-the-night idiot dancefloor action..
at which point I'm so blitheringly off-tap, even my camera lens is starting to see double..
although quite possibly THESE beer goggles are to blame..
before inevitably everything comes crashing down around my ears..
*phew* it's always the "quiet" nights you've gotta watch out for aye?
thus drawing to a pointless conclusion one of the most shoddily written, half-arse blogs I've damn near coughed up all year. I hope all you chirping crickets out there still reading this stupidity have found it amusing, coz it sure as fuck was a mad blast for me.. weeeee! :)
Previously on Spoz's Rant:
Tony Font Show + Sommnium + The Temps