BROKEN BONSAI TREEwords, thoughts, reasons in single serving sachets. broken bonsai tree.
shrinkening daylight cuts the winds in sharp. broken bonsai tree.
half arsed inactive and hyperactivity shot short. broken bonsai tree.
my misdirection manifest in malfuntioning mitochondria. broken bonsai tree.
tried writing haiku,
but the words came out all wrong.
broken bonsai tree.
I wonder if they'll take refunds?
FRIDAY NIGHTtonight's weirdness starts on the bus into town tonight, when 2 random drunks appear 2 stops before dropoff and offer me 2 cap-fulls of vodka.. silly me I accept and it takes 2 hours to get the damn taste of vodka off my brain.. quick beer follows at EXETER, then quick dinner at RED RED NOODLES with HEIDI.. i have a spicey thai soup entree with coconut milk and prawns followed by main course beef, chicken and seafood all mixed in a zoo of green curry and rice.. likely it also involved coconut milk.. no sign of noodles tho'.. begin to question name of restaurant.. or location of any said "RED ROCKS".. perhaps they're all just in my head banging out a chimpanzee rhythm.. hmmmmm..
there are no plans tonight.. but, perhaps plans to just drink and figure out plans later.. so, we head to the CRANKA.. beers follow, followed by many people appearing then vanishing off home early at 10PM.. some remain and neandering debate follows with remainee crazy ANDY on the merits of a world with no water but oceans of vodka.. to extend the concept we swap the salt content of the oceans for olives.. then wonder if the martini equation merely clouds the experiment.. more musings on vodka exploding internal combustion engines leads to replacement technology in evaporative vodka fueled propulsion.. soon, discussion of vodka science reaches the cellular level and the whole argument collapses in failed glucose transfers and osmosis malfuction.. concept now shelved.. rest of the people present then spill in all directions, perhaps in search of more vodka..
me and ANDY walk to the EXETER.. more beers follow.. and brain hits a dribbling discontinuity..
this then leads to that ORGANIC YIROS place for midnight munchies.. where we discover hippies, astronaut 60's furniture and brainwash walls barking "TASTE. LOVE. ENERGY." in large creepy green letters..
here I have a ridiculously expensive $12 chicken yiros served oxymoron fresh and herbicide free.. and sure, my tastebuds may be buzzing on all the clean living.. yet somehow, as expected.. the flavour is lost in translation..
next we're found wandering in out-of-the-way places red brick parallel and alleyway.. dark corners feeding on diet of smog and heat haze.. twice ambushed with recogniseable faces (yet the names allude me) who join for more smoke and heat haze.. my brain's now twisted severe, dimensional flat and cheerfully stupid in flickering freeze frames..
reappear once more at the EXETER, 1AM for more beers.. and then quite possibly CRANKA.. although all memory is now lost.. so, soon journey now ends.. it's 2AM and I'm home.. dribbling reality exit point.. unconsciousness follows a few hours later..
and yeah, it was an ok enough film, although nothing brilliant.. plot was quite intellectual, riddled and twisting yet darkly exacting.. sets were tiny and claustrophobic.. action episodic.. characters were bleak yet well drawn with NATALIE PORTMAN acting the crap out've her cardboard STAR WARS roles, and HUGO WEAVING doing damn good work with his role considering you never see his face.. locations and set pieces felt much less cinematic and more theatric, like it was all played out on tiny stages framed in black.. and as a result, it made everything feel a little "cheap" despite the apparent "scope" of the film.. overall it was quite serviceable with a nice cheerful hollywood ending.. but somewhat fell short of expectations.. 3 stars out've 4..
I leave the CINEMA at 11PM with the usual blank poker face expression that 2 hours in a movie theatre affords you.. my sharp sobriety is now at odds with all the dribbling masses.. so I walk to CRANKA seeking mindless beer fueled entertainment to equalise the situation.. therein I find SUMI on stage and catch the last 15 minutes of their set..
SUMISUMI are ya basic indie pop-punk kind've sound.. with perhaps some screamo thrown in for good measure..
you've got your gnashing guitars..
shredding vocal urgency..
hammering basslines and trigger happy drums..
rinse / repeat per song for however much necessary and that's yer monkey..
a damn cool band for wot they do tho', so perhaps I really should catch more of these dudes in the future.. hmmmm..
with only 1 beer in me belly.. close to midnight and nothing really left to drag me on further.. I cut my losses and make a quick getaway home..
on the way, I pass by these 2 signs.. and my OXYMORON alarm flares off..
(obviously the ONE WAY is the WRONG TURN to take.. hmmmm..)
thus making for an abrupt end for a SATURDAY night..
SUNDAY AFTERNOONtoday I'm here in the smelly suburb of ST PETERS for CRAIG and CELIA's engagement party.. now I could've taken photo's of all sorts of useless details here.. such as the music (I was the DJ), or the food (one of the families is Italian.. so, you know it was going to be good) or any of the usual mindless festivities, ie: a mindless quiz on the couple.. them slow dancing to "their song" (and who knew I'd fluke upon it as a choice in my DJ set too!? whoaaa.. trippy!) occassional dribbling speeches thanking people for this n that.. the mountains of food n alcohol.. y'know.. the usual guff..
but instead of all that, I'm gonna show you a series of images of me and me friends goofing around with the table decorations..
"look.. the baloons have nipples! wahooooo!"..
(yup.. HEIDI is not impressed)
which then leads to dumb fun making little people out've finger food..
CRAIG gives his seal of approval..
which leads to this final masterpiece - "reclining celery mexican with MC hammer meat pants and giant olive testicles".. um.. hmmmm.. yeah ok.. fukkit.. this is just plain retarded.. ;)
so, it's one shot of all the engagement presents.. and I'm the fuck outta here..
(as engagement parties go tho', it wuz a good one - lots of food, lots of beers.. so, can't complain :)
and.. um.. that was my SUNDAY.. yay!
as you can see.. obviously I got NOTHING this weekend and I was just filling space.. but considering the neverending carnage of last weekend, it was a well deserved nothingness netherless.. since hey, at least it beats one of those lame clip shows some peeps do where all the characters just sit around the couch for an hour or so reminiscing about all the "good times" from previous episodes (damn I hate that shit).. seriously, if I ever do one of those here, feel free to hunt me down like a dog and shoot me.. cheers :)
so, next weekend?
who knows!
stay tuned to find out.. :)
(end transmission)
Previously on Spoz's Rant:
Alcoholics And The Infinite Madness / Episode One