THIS IS YOUR BRAIN ON DRUGSah yes.. another couple of brain cells well spent on another blinder of a weekend in miniature.. laying low on the Friday, only to lay it all to waste (and most me cash) on the Saturday at the TWO TRIBES electronic music (ie: idiot doof doof / pill muncher / bottled water / glowsticks / chicks with those funny fuzzy boots and angel wings / skinhead techno dickhead) festival.. aaah yes, and wot FUN it wuz.. the wacky beats.. the basslines.. um.. DJ's spinning vinyl.. yay!
really, I think it wuz just a piss poor attempt to pad out what was essentially an 80 minute PRODIGY gig, with Grandmaster Flash and Amand Van Helden playing support.. by slapping a bunch of asshat DJ's with piss poor PA's around the main arena.. and wooo, a ferris wheel that doesn't even spin.. a bunch of tiny skateramps and some chillout tents.. and LETS CALL IT A FESTIVAL!! WAHOOOOO!! although, if you get six people being carried off to hospital due to suspected drug overdoses.. then hey, it must've been a fucken good one :) yup.. that's wot happens when 90% of your expected festival goers are gonna be all fucked up on all sorts of colourful pharmaceuticals, wired up like puppets to car batteries.. the organisers just give you the bare essentials and don't give a fuck about the rest.. seriously.. are they even gonna notice anything outside their own happy bubble? maybe we can just have one dickhead playing nothing but a loud kickdrum for 5 hours straight.. see if they even twitch an eyelid.. but who am I to complain? sure.. they CLAIM it's a music festival.. but I wuz only there for the PRODIGY so wot do I care?.. fuck the rest, it could've been nothing but a carpark.. just DONT call it a festival and expect me to believe it.. seriously, is it too much to ask to have some "atmosphere" at a rave or an electronic music festival? and no, I don't mean those fucking lit up tissue paper blowing things that kinda look like burning torches.. I want something cool dammit! I wanna buzz.. and not just off the drugs I DONT take.. if yer gonna use the same venue as the BIG DAY OUT.. dont leave me feeling like it's half arsed.. ok? feeeeeed me ya baaaastards!!
*ahem* aaanywaze.. for those of you who were either (a) at the Greenday concert dyeing your hair all fuckoff weird colours and doing themselves an injury (b) living under a rock (c) watching re-runs of "Desperate Housewives" coz the voices in your head (hi channel 7) said so (d) living in a nuclear bunker (e) trapped in Michael Jackson's kiddie porn dungeon with Santa's elves producing his next "best of" album to finance his escape from prison.. then, here's some idiot photo highlights of the event.. (many thanks to Stuckey for giving me a lend of his camera, while mine's all fucked up - dude you rock, big up y'self!) - really, despite all the bullshit I've said above.. the PRODIGY made the event more than worthwhile.. seriously, you crazy cats can come back anytime.. fuck shit up loud and give me a alarm clock case of tinitis.. YOU GUYS FUCKEN ROCK!! just, dont waste another 7 years writing a new fucken album.. please? and Keith? lay off the horse tranquilisers.. you're a fuckin' embarassment..
yeah.. so here's the photo's (I really talk too much don't I?)

oh, and for all you PRODIGY freaks.. here's a little live vid I captured..
the sound's utter shite (somewhat comparable to a herd of hippo's exploding in an oatmeal factory) but the visuals look really shiny n cool.. so yeah.. um.. turn ya volume waaay down, and check it out..
WAKE UP CALL (exploding hippo oatmeal remix):: avi format - approx 5meg in size..
and no, I'm not gonna explain those photo's..
seriously, if you really wanna know wot the fuck kinda horse tranquilizers that dude in photo #1 is on.. or why I seem to be pimpin' chicks in photo #3.. or you seriously wanna know how the PRODIGY gig went.. (it fucken rocked.. wot else do ya expect, but no.. it wuzn't better than their BIG DAY OUT gig in '97) then by all means, post a comment yo!
Previously on Spoz's Rant:
Just Another One Of Those Weekends