The Adelaide scene: to many of you it may be little more than a touring speed bump between Melbourne and Perth but to us it's a way of life. Feast within, on all its dysfunctional splendour, as we bring you the highly satirical, laughingly fictional and intellectually imbecile tales from our rock & roll wasteland...
some weeks are like little fluffy white frolicking bunnies skipping merrily past without a care in the world.. sometimes those weeks get torn limb by limb by ravenous wolves.. or run over by speeding 4WD's only to get little gritty blood stained bunny bits stuck all over the tires requiring some heavy hose and sponge action just to get the smell out.. sometimes weeks are like ticking timebombs and you just happen to get the right wire just shy of 0:01 before detonation.. sometimes you get the work experience kid to do it instead.. sometimes the redshirt gets it in the face.. sometimes you see "to be continued" and you pound your fist at the screen in fury and next week it gets cancelled and replaced by footage of pets hitting their owners in the groin instead..
yup.. this week past, like many weeks before it was a plague.. a virus.. a cancer.. a curse upon this world of mine.. and this weekend? the cure..
thank fuck for the 4 day weekend!
if the photo's didn't explain it all, here's the highlights.. (coz I know how much of you live vicariously thru my social alcoholic abuses.. you sick puppies!)
THURSDAY NIGHT played yet another solo set at Enigma.. this time, featuring special guest Copy One on the mic for about 1/2 hour or so, before he had to run off to work.. (the insanity that is nightshift) and yeah, it sure started off well.. it wuz booming out've the speakers.. cruisy mix.. hypnotic.. progressive.. damn near sonic perfection.. some of the most transcendant grooviness I've ever wooped in the live arena.. so as luck would have it in a moment of victory like this one of me laptops crashes (AGAIN!).. cue the sound of me screaming "GRRRRR ARRRGHGHGHGH BOLLOCKS FUCKING ARSE BITCH CUNT DOG LICKING DWARF FUCKING AYAYAYAYYAYAYA!!!" inside me head whilst I grinned and attempted to play the rest of the set with one laptop (AGAIN!).. many thanks to Wokka for attempting (in vain) to fix the other laptop which I only managed to fix meself when I'd gotten home after the gig and belted the living shit out've the keyboard (no really THAT actually fixed it..) - at least I did feel a LOT abetter about the situation afterwards after drowning it all in 3 beers provided to me by the cheerful bar staff at Enigma.. nice one :)
FRIDAY NIGHT after Thursday night left me in a somewhat homicidal mood.. Friday offered up some weird and colourful diversions to take me mind off things as I dodged the first psychotic rainstorms of the season to find meself at this crazy new venue called "Tea House Gallery" situated upstairs from where the old (and infamous) Madlove Bar used to be.. on Synagogue Place (off Rundle)... damn near one of the coolest new venues I've stepped foot in of late.. the photo's don't quite nearly do it justice.. but imagine if you would some ye olde turn of the century white painted stone deep wooden floorboards.. moodily lit.. stoner sculpture artworks.. indie fashion.. crazy artgeeks.. 1930's sci-fi black n white movies projected randomly onto walls.. a fine selection of red wines.. board games.. and some seriously brain damaging humming transcendant freaking ambient music filling from floor to ceiling in a warbling sonic drone.. only to occassionally switch over to mashup artfunk hiphop / triphop stoner electronica.. oh yeaah.. for somebody who's head space wuz as fucked up as I was this week (see post below) this did the goods..
with a few red wines in me system.. I then made it to the Jade Monkey.. to catch a set by a bunch of circus freaks called NERVOUS GERBIL (all dressed in fuzzy animal suits) and then followed by them cruisy triphop midgets, MUNCHKIN.. they were damn near hypnotizing to watch as their lead singer jumped around like a fluffy bunny on qualudes with her crazy red tutu dress on singing layers over the stoner lo-fi beats.. just the thing for a rainy fucked up friday.. just the thing to drink copious amounts of beer to.. or something.. yeah.. nice one dudes..
from here.. 3-4 beers later.. I made meself down to the Crown N Anchor.. didn't really remember what I did here.. and before I knew it I wuz dancing around like a retarded loon at SHOTS.. which is apparently now the favourite spot for all the late-nite indie kids to fuck 'emselves drunk n rotten to.. at least till 4AM when surprisingly enough we found the place closing.. only to jump into a taxi with a bunch of people I don't even know (seriously who WERE those guys) only to head to some other place.. apparently called the "MILE HIGH CLUB" which they claimed was above the notoriously dodgy "BASEMENT" venue on Hindley St.. after spending 5-10 minutes.. in a back alley in the rain.. looking for the entrance to this place.. and encountered all sorts of colourful low lifes trying to convince me to "come ere.. I need a hand".. I decided in my best wisdom.. it was time to get a taxi home.. which I finally did at 5AM and passed out..
SATURDAY NIGHT a little bit worse for wear.. nursing the hangover not caused by the 10 beers I drank, but more likely by the 2-3 red wines that proceeded it.. I decided to take it easy.. go out and catch a movie instead - "MR AND MRS SMITH".. yeah, y'know.. that Angelina Jolie / Brad Pitt movie.. and yeah, couldn't be arsed doing a review coz there's no point in making this post even longer than it already is.. but yeah.. go see it.. it's fucken funny.. and there's like explosions n shit.. yeah..
I then made me way down to the Austral.. to check out the 2nd set from the band formerly known as "THE CASTONETS" and now known as "THE KEMP BROTHERS".. although, on the night for reasons I couldn't understand.. they called themselves "THE BLACK STRIPES".. yeah.. that pretty much sums it up.. imagine 2 brothers cooking up some minimal drums n howling lead guitar style white stripes antics with 5 minute solos and crazy interlude jams.. and you'd got the picture.. damn cool shit tho'.. go see 'em.. drink a shitload of beer.. and you'll feel the freaky guitar amp vibrations..
eneded up at our answer to "White Castle" (see the movie of similar name, coz it's funny as fuck) the uber famous amongst the stoners and drunks and musicians of Adelaide - "CAFE DE VILLIS", the only 24 hour bakery that serves beer.. ooooo yeaah..
SUNDAY NIGHT wondering how I managed not to be dead by now.. I once again found meself at the Jade Monkey to catch some of the weirdest live music Brisbane could offer, in the shape of an act known as "THE RED PAINTINGS".. picture 3 people dressed as Geisha girls (one of them being a dude) playing an assortment of violins, cellos (all thru distortion / amps etc) with a guitarist wearing a weird kimono dress thing.. whilst out the front amongst all the aliens and virgin mary statues.. 2 large canvases.. where anyone and everyone could paint wot ever weird-ass shit came to mind.. (see the photo 2nd from bottom.. that snarling wolf thing? THAT's MINE BIAATCH!).. as one would expect.. the crowd wuz thick full of crazy dredlocks, dye jobs and people raiding textile factories of crazy polka dots / stripes / etc for their outfits.. aaah yes.. gotta love the indie artgeeks.. definitely one of the weirder gigs I've been too.. and considering I've been to punk gigs where they thru head's of lettuce into the crowd and a dude with no pants was being crowd surfed THAT's saying something..
all in all a 4 night rollercoaster of beer abusing mayhem and avant guarde musical stonerisms.. aaah yes.. just wot the doctor ordered..
urge to kill.. fading.. faaading.. faaaaaaading.. gone..