The Adelaide scene: to many of you it may be little more than a touring speed bump between Melbourne and Perth but to us it's a way of life. Feast within, on all its dysfunctional splendour, as we bring you the highly satirical, laughingly fictional and intellectually imbecile tales from our rock & roll wasteland...
yeah.. ok, so you may've noticed.. sometime late last year.. I got kinda bored of this whole "lets make every post a shiny photo thing coz everyone loves the shiny photos on a blog thing" retarded gimmic.. and so I stopped doing it (just.. y'know.. coz I wuz bored of it.. and also coz I knew it'd just annoy the PISS out've ya..) and so I just went to posting pages and pages of nonsense text.. back to good 'ol spozblog classic.. none of this spozblog with a twist of lemon.. or cherry spozblog.. or vanilla spozblog crap.. back to basics.. the richness of my mutilated take on the english language..
also.. y'know.. you have a few boring weekends in a row around springtime.. you get a bad case of sinusitus.. you stay home.. and unless people wanted to see endless photo's of furniture and shit in me fridge.. there wuz no point going all photoblog now wuz there?
also funny to think, that nobody actually commented about the total lack of photo's.. funny how none of you really NOTICED anything missing.. seriously, I could just post pet obituaries on this thing and you wouldn't even notice.. WOULD YA?? HUH?? HUH? YOU DONT GIVE A SHIT IF THIS BLOG LIVES OR DIES.. DOOOOO YA!!?? UNGRATEFUL FUCKS.. I HAAAATE YOU AAAALL SO MUCH!!.. *ahem*, all apologies.. it's my problem and I'll deal it..
yeah.. well.. then you have a BIG DAY OUT and in the same weekend you go to a freaking wedding.. so.. without much ado.. I present.. the RETURN.. of spoz's idiotic photo's.. it really is the only way to explain the insanity that was my Friday and Saturday..
so, ENJOY! and y'know.. post comments.. or questions on wot the fuck 1/2 this shit is.. go'on.. fool me into believing you actually PAY ATTENTION to the crap I post ;)