BOX JELLYFISHfirst up.. all apologies for wot will likely be a totally lamearse entry.. for a change (by choice I might add) I did next to fuckall this weekend.. took it easy.. switched gears to a lower level.. put on the breaks.. put me feet up.. and chilled the fuck out.. yeah, sometimes these weekends sneak by without fanfare, duck under the radar, steer clear of the laser beams, infrared sensors, tripwires, landmines and psychotic dobermans.. and before you know it you've hit Sunday night again.. scratching yer proverbials.. wondering to y'self.. "gee, where did the time go?".. such wuz the lot with this weekend.. I could wax lyrical more about it.. but really I'd be filling space in ya cranium with trivial nonsense even more useless than all the calculus and trigonometry you learnt in High School.. hands up any of you wage slaves, who of you actually USE trigonometry in day to day activities? or wot about any of your heard learnt physics lessons? all those poems you read in english? yeah.. fat lot of good they did ya as you spend your narcoleptic days shifting boxes of useless knicknacks from one location to the next under flickering flourescents.. shuffling paper.. staring at the phone.. a pool of drool on your keyboared.. over 12 years of education and all it's got you is HERE? damn.. sucks to be you dude..
but enough of that.. time to distract you with some shiny fotoz of some of the small highlights of this teeny tiny midget bag-o-fun weekend..
and now for a brief missive of the retarded antics I got upto this weekend..
FRIDAY NIGHTfor reasons I can't quite fathom.. I found myself in a Chinese restaurant tonight (YING CHOW's on gouger st).. or at least.. I EVENTUALLY found meself in a Chinese restaurant.. after waiting seemingly forever for a table like that accursed Seinfeld episode (yeah.. you know the one.. otherwise, fuckit.. watch it on cable or sumthin'.. and stop looking at me like that!) anywaze.. as is my usual habit in restaurants.. I play the game of "find the weirdest fuckoff bizarre shit on the menu and eat it" and considering the surrounds I wuz in.. that DIDN'T prove to be all that hard.. I soon landed upon the choice of "PORK AND JELLYFISH".. yes.. that's right kiddies.. JELLYFISH! no longer the mysterious nemesis of the sea that only urine can save you from.. but, now also an actual FOOD.. wow, wot will we think of next? chilled monkey's brains? eyeball soup? pig testicles? wot a crazy world we live in!
so.. you may ask.. "yeah.. ok, well.. HOW WUZ IT??".. and in answering.. I gotta say.. I wuz surprised.. Jellyfish.. actually pretty damn good.. if ya like yer calimari.. ya wacky squid rings.. octopus.. or wot have ya.. this wuz pretty much like that.. these long semi clear yellow tendril thingies.. a bit less substantial than calimari.. lightly chewy.. with these little regions of crunchiness like chicken cartilage.. dunno if it really had a flavour of it's own since it wuz coated in some kinda chinese stock standard glutinous salty sauce thingy.. but yeah.. still.. not too bad.. I might even consider eating it again..
after somehow stomaching all of that.. and a bunch of other unmentionable yet tasty dishes.. we found ourselves at the ENIGMA to catch BOOSTER.. and oh.. apparently it wuz FIGHTERPILOT's CD launch or sumthing.. um.. yeah.. yay..
and apparently it wuz a bit of a tough crowd this gig.. I think all the people were there to see FIGHTERPILOT.. and BOOSTER knew it.. gone wuz the usual wacky slapstick antics of the drummer and his merry band of talented idiots.. gone wuz the usual hooting crowd of lunatics up for it and moshing out the front.. screaming "DO THE WORM!! DO THE WORM!!" every 2 seconds to the drummer.. no, wot I witnessed this time was a band all about the business end.. play hard.. play short.. and then get the fuck out.. none of the theatrics.. none of the flamboyance.. none of the crazy outfits.. visuals or between song jokes I'd enjoyed in previous gigs.. they also got rid of the old bass player and added this new dude who could like actually sing n shit.. yeah.. listen to him do them crazy falsetto vocals over SEAN's crazy glam / psychedelic rock antics.. it wuz a damn solid performance.. absolute professionalism.. and the new bass player did bring the sound up to a whole other level.. it's just a pity there wuzn't any of the humour (and the fact the crowd did absolutely nothing but stand there at a safe distance whilst 3-4 camera people had the place covered running around the front) but hey.. as a support band, they did their utmost.. so.. thumbs up dudes.. you did ya job as prescribed..
up next wuz some band I didn't even remember the name of (or really watch for that matter).. so, onto the last band.. FIGHTERPILOT.. and yeah.. not really a fan of their music.. but DAMN did they put on a good one.. almost choked the place to death with the smoke machines.. tore into those guitars.. lead singer wailing with all the rock cliche moves and leather pants.. and yeah.. that wuz about it.. ended the night inhaling some pizza.. then made an early escape home..
and that kiddies wuz all there wuz..
the weekend off from the weekend..
not a bad little speedbump.. some funky moments.. some gastronomic aliens.. some wacky sounds.. all up.. not a bad waste of a food hours.. safe in the knowledge that I know NEXT weekend is gonna be freaking huuuuge.. OOOOOO YEAAAAAH!
Previously on Spoz's Rant:
When Bears Go Bad