ANOTHER BEER SAFARI IN THE CONCRETE PETTING ZOOsometimes you feel like a space alien..
sometimes you wonder to y'self.. "WHO AARE THESE CHIMPS!!??"
sometimes you think you're a freak, you're a weirdo and you just dont belong here..
sometimes you live in a city where everyone knows your name..
they're all animals.. and you're one of them..
in one great big petting zoo of alcoholics..
worshipping the same sense of humming tinitis..
yup.. definitely a weird rollercoaster weekend..
with a few unexpected twists and turns..
here's the blow by blow..

and, now for the fine print..
FRIDAY NIGHT1 Coopers Pale Ale
6-7 Amber Ales (ouch me freaking brain - see below)
1 freebie entry to BOOSTER @ ENIGMA BAR
1 freebie CD (of same band.. which I've yet to play)
1 freakish drunken talent with 8-ball..
SATURDAY NIGHT6-7 Coopers Pale Ales
1 MIRRORLINE CD (which I've yet to play)
1 aimless wander thru random Adelaide venues..
1 druken idiot binge at the AUSTRAL..
yup.. kinda aimless.. with the wandering..
and the head scratching.. and the crazy crazy beers..
equilibrium restored..
the world is now SAFE ONCE MORE for the kiddies..
oh.. and before I forget.. apparently, on Saturday night.. some wacky uber anticipated album got leaked onto the internet for a few short hours before disappearing into the ether.. in which time I somehow managed to download in the crazed rush all drunk and stupid at 4:30AM.. I wont say anything more on this (coz it's very hush hush) but.. go take a peek at the "new additions" to my music playlist (links above) see if anything seems a little *ahem* suspicious.. GAWD I LOVE DA INTERNET :)
(hint.. look under "P"..)
Previously on Spoz's Rant: For Sale -
One Weekend, Unused, Still In Original Packaging