FIRE IN THE HOLEgot nothing better to do on a Wednesday night after an exceedingly dull SAMIA AWARDS night ceremony? feel like gettin' something out've yer system? feel like celebrating? feel like lettin' loose on the establishment? feel like doing something incredibly stupid in response either way?
well.. nothing sure beats lighting some high powered explosives in a suburban street at 10PM and getting some idiot to jump over it..

and now for a few observations I'd like to add..
(a) pouring petrol over a firework that refuses to ignite, is a really dumb idea..
(b) walking over and looking at the firework that STILL refuses to light after you've poured petrol over it.. is an even DUMBER idea..
(c) if a car comes and the petrol fire is still burning.. RUN FORREST RUUUUN!!!
don't try this shit at home kids!
Previously on Spoz's Rant:
Multiple Personality Disorder