IN THE COLD COLD NIGHTan ecclectic jangling dissonance of a weekend - of random hijinks, beer fueled stupidity, place to place without a purpose, sampling the crusty musty flavourings of the undead Adelaide music scene, an icey-cold winter's night, oh so very fucken cold, spacous musings on the universe, staring at a cathode tube and fiddling with the sine frequencies.. and a final victory..
yup, there wuz a lot've room to move this weekend..
a lot've air to breath..
I think I got drunk on all the extra oxygen levels..
so now my sanity's well placed for another week of freebased anarchy..
batteries charged to full, running into the red, crashing thru the clipping plane..

yes I know this weekend's selection of photo's is a bit truncated, but fuckit.. I DID just give you that big MP3 preview below.. and you KNOW that ROCKED YA TINY LITTLE WORLD to a gibbering ruin.. so QUIT COMPLAINING YA SPINELESS MIDGET BAAASTARDS! HA!!
...right out there, pushing satellites out've their orbit? is my BIG shiny head.. yes, my EGO is out've control.. FEEL MY WRATH!! BLAHAHAHAHA!!
aarrr fuckit.. here's this weekend's beer tally..
like I give a shit about yooo stiiiinky peasants..
FRIDAY NIGHT5-6 Coopers Pale Ales
The Austral / Crown N Anchor / Jive
(Mirrorline, Error, Diplomat.. )
1 drunken binge at Hungry Jackals
SATURDAY NIGHTno beer.. do not pass go, do not spend $50..
1 KICKARSE instrumental well ordered..
1 latenight DVD - "Lost In Translation"
(and YES, I did like it.. so, Joe.. you gotta buy yer own copy.. HA!)
that's it..
(and to think this horrid waste of space wuz featured in RiU this week?? yooooo eeeeiiidiots.. :)